6 years ago I had my 40 week prenatal appointment. My belly was huge and I was hoping that my baby girl would make her appearance before the 6-6-06 date. This was my first pregnancy and I’ll never forget the feelings of anticipation and excitement that I had. We had tried for nearly 6 years to have a baby, and finally, after IVF, she was going to be here and we would finally be parents.
At my appointment, they asked me, “You know you’re having contractions, right?” “Did you know you’re dilated to 3cm?” and I honestly had no idea that labor had begun. With concerns over her size, they sent me up to the hospital for a C-Section and I called my husband from work in Kaanapali and it was a waiting game to be sent into the O.R.
I still can’t believe how big I was. Here I am just about to go into the O.R.
I’ll never forget the pain meds – I think it was an intrathecal. They stabbed my back 7 times. Yes I make it sound dramatic because it was. I think my nerves are permanently screwed up from it.
But there I was, going into the O.R. not knowing how this would work – what would she look like? Would she look like me? Peter? And minutes later I had my answer. I had a 9 pound, 10 ounce sumo wrestler fur ball. She was beautiful. And perfect. And she only wanted me.
This little girl made us parents – she made me a mom – a title that I had hoped would happen for years. Over the last 6 years she has brought us such joy, such happiness, an amount of learning and of love that I never thought possible. She is an amazing big sister and quite the photography assistant.
Happy 6th birthday to my beautiful, smart baby girl!
Happy 6th Birthday Ryenne! She’s more beautiful each time I see her pictures! My favorite is the last picture! Love that top hat!!
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL! Happy Birthday to you sweet baby girl!