I am a big, huge advocate of natural birth. In fact, the Austin Area Birth Center played a role in my family’s decision to move to Austin. I had Kai there in October, 2008, and will again be having this next baby there. It’s an amazing facility filled with amazing women who empower and teach. Each of them have touched my life.
I am thrilled to be updating their website headshots. Each visit I will be capturing a few images of each of these fabulous women. Here is the first round!
Top Left: Sara | Top Right: Tamara
Bottom Left: Lauren | Bottom Right: Viola
I found you via the OSP forum, and had to comment here. I had two of my boys at AABC (Feb. 07 and Dec. 08) and these are great pictures of the ladies! Don’t you just LOVE them all? Those women feel like family and it’s kinda sad having the baby and not having a reason to see them on a regular basis anymore.